Friday, 8 November 2019

Am I being unfair with myself first while dealing with others? Five Aspects of how I can be fair with myself!!!

Hello All,


After a long time, I am getting in touch with you all but in a way it is good that it gives lot of space to share more progressively! 

On the day when I realized that I am not happy in my life with whatever I was doing, I asked myself the first question-
"Am I being unfair with myself?"

It is like....there was an opportunity at every corner of my life to prove myself but I am still adhering to some prohibited laws which are not natural to give me something fruitful or beneficial! 

My potentials were telling me something different and I was developing or cultivating as an idea in a different manner! May be in excitement I had developed something which was unscrupulous for own life! Nonetheless, at some point if your urge is stronger and more intense to achieve things in life, the uptrend of things start showing light and hence when I saw that happening in my case; I immediately asked one question- What can be those aspects which can give me the direction to know How I can be fair with myself?

Steve Jobs thought or experienced the same way or Albert Einstein expressed the same way with different conviction or great ancient warrior of India; Shivaji Maharaj had the same thought when He said, "Everything I do; is for nothing else but SWARAJYA!" or Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan also keeps saying that I want to be fair with myself in the first place when I shall be sharing my life with others in various communities or so on and so forth with many legendary personalities who followed the same question with a different perception but the direction was the same! 

I want to enumerate five aspects to mention where I can be fair with myself-

While thinking about FAIR I could think of following aspects-
1. Fall in love with yourself and be friendly with your life
2. Aiming high truthfully and achieving it
3. Igniting your mind continuously and Illuminating your basic qualities of personality to develop
4. Rejuvenating your vision and becoming revolutionary

Fifth one I am adding deliberately and it is -"Giving justice to being Fair!"

5. Giving justice to being fair

1. Falling in love with yourself is a journey of some years which is not easy! Few sensible occurrences of your life can make you realize the truth of being in love with yourself in the first place and for that you have to become friendly with your life process first! Accept it that your life is precious and you are important for your life because otherwise conceptually life is nothing! The way we say that when any woman cooks the food if she pours love into that, the normal food becomes more tasty and then the same process has to be applied to being in love with yourself!

2. Without purpose nothing happens...we are not born without purpose! We can not live without having any purpose in life! If we will know why one's potentials are important then we will know why there has to be purposeful aims to feed in right potentials! Just having aims is not sufficient but having concretely executable plan makes things achievable! Karmic theory is important rather than anything else in life! Geographically which planet will revolve around what has some sense and purpose and the same way the smallest but the strongest particle even has a purpose and it is human being! 

3. Your mind goes through multifaceted processes of its own impressions at every step and hence keeping the same ignited positively is necessary and we can only do that for our own betterment but nobody else! When the seed is planted, it grows on its own although water is given with all allied necessities which are being provided for its own self growth!  

 4. We all are creatures of this earth who have natural authority to live and lead our life on our own. Support elements are unavoidable aspect and dependency is integral part! But then how can we revive our vision to live more diligently matters a lot! Revolution has become a concept which can have an importance when something is created as a historical or memorable moment which will change the face of the society but we never think that revolutionary can be occurred in our own life with a limited edition but with an unlimited vision. However rejuvenating our approach at every step of life becomes a need since we all face difficulties, calamities, problems etc which is indispensable at some stage of life. When Tsunami comes and nature sustains itself even after facing the same, the same can be the process of our life to overcome barriers and standing out courageous!

5. Last but not the least, are we giving real justice to all above aspects? Because giving justice is like giving importance to our passionate skills/potentials which means what we love to do in our life because that becomes our natural credentials for the whole of our life! Always we should be in a position to do a justice to our living and then only leading as a phenomena which then becomes enduring! 

So friends, hope I am completely fair in mentioning about all the above elements with a true and fair outlook! Being FAIR...about yourself can not have a value of being materialistic but can have a value being GENUINELY WHAT YOU ARE AS YOU ARE AS A TRUE HUMAN BEING!   

So close your eyes now and imagine you are a person with substance and that substance is nothing but you are fair with your life in the first instance! Open your eyes...., do you think what you have imagined can turn out to be a real time occurrence at this point? 

I hope you were fairly interested in reading out this blog! So give a fair feedback if you read till the end! I trust you as my earthly partner of the same nature!

Be great and be kind!


In divine light,

Amit Deokule
Life Balance Coach/ Master Spirit Life Coach
Executive Leadership Coach
Affiliated member of CCA , Canada and Marshall Goldsmith SCC
M.Com, Musician( Composer, Singer and Poet)

Monday, 9 September 2019

How does procrastination affect the professionalism even after giving commitment?

Hello Everyone,


I have been writing my blog after a long time! However this time, I have come up with another interesting subject which may be bothering many and it is about procrastination & its impact on the professionalism where commitment also comes in the picture.

Why do we procrastinate even after we give commitment?
May be because we postpone with an indefinite period without any reason
OR We just want to delay it because we feel so OR because of some reasons OR something more to justify!

However in professional era, commitment and professionalism should go hand in hand and hence it is like you can not go on the street as a pedestrian with one footwear!

But still we do it with some power in our hand to show that we are superior or we have something to prove or we do not want the other party to supersede few aspects professionally! However this becomes daunting pointlessly as who knows who behaves how and at what time and why in such fashion? It is possible that we do not have anything in mind but priorities change but then at this point right explanation matters a lot! However the misunderstanding may occur at this point if it is perceived by the other party whom commitment has been given but nothing is happening!

Here the way we say, leadership is a responsibility....procrastination is a liability...and commitment is a liable responsibility unnecessarily!

Why does procrastination get done???

Merely because of other priorities?
Because of wrong attitude getting extended with the party involved in the same?
Because of usual habit which has been developed so... for years together?
May be because we believe in false definition of professionalism?
Realization of taking wrong decision after giving commitment to someone?

How can it affect professionalism of the person procrastinating it???

Trust factor
Attitudinal Hazards
Risk of giving commitment
Third perspective to look at growth
Visionary Outlook and its deterioration

How can we resolve this???

Repairing our vision to look at our own commitment
Promising treatment and behavioral pattern
Evaluating  pre and post effects
By not underestimating the other party with whom procrastination is getting extended
Focused way of doing business and appropriate dealing
Empathetic approach building where Karmic elements get proper justice if thoughtfulness plays its role in the first place

While concluding I shall say...." Do not forget when you test someone...the other will not because credibility is always for both the sides of the coin! "

It is like Sherlock Holmes does not investigate and Vijay Mallya all of a sudden becomes aggressive in defining values of the organization! OR the way always Manmohanomics and Modinomics get criticized by considering that there is always going to be huge difference between both! :-) :-) :-)

What is ideal for us? I have done a blunder by posting this blog with a little delay which can be defined as Procrastination but I did not want to break the commitment of writing the blog and that is why I have written it without any inhibition and have been trying to become conducive! :-)

Thank you all!

Yours Faithfully,

Amit Deokule
Life Balance Coach/ Master Spirit Life Coach
Executive Leadership Coach
Affiliated member of CCA , Canada and Marshall Goldsmith SCC
M.Com, Musician( Composer, Singer and Poet)


Thursday, 16 May 2019

Skill to integrate it in daily professional environment mainly in small sector organizations?

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all are doing well!


Skill- This word has a greater meaning in our life at every step but realization of this in reality comes at a latter stage where it becomes challenging to work on the same. In the word Skill there is "KILL" and actually it is like Stop Killing your Self by developing Skill! If we will work on ourselves then it will be like "Seldom but Sumptuous... Karmic... Igniting... Latent Awakening... Long Lasting!"

But to establish an urge to give priority to SKILL DEVELOPMENT is not very serious and is a crucial job to fit into the time management in every organization. I strongly feel that Skill Development should be added as one of the elements in appraisal process especially in KRAs! But alas, this inclusion is not getting sufficed with the right perspective. So to make it at a constant pace, what steps small organizations can take? OR how to integrate it in daily professional environment in small sector organizations? In small sector it becomes questionable as to how one stakeholder can groom himself/herself to develop his or her life skills or soft skills as either companies can not invest much in this activity or they ignore this fact or they can't allocate time for the same. But gradually the tradition of at least having such kind of grooming has become a necessity which people are realizing ...! However inconsistency is a practical problem or a an excuse for not following it. But then after giving a thought I arrived at a conclusion that we can integrate this activity on a daily basis!

1. At the time of interview take some healthy promises by having core value as Skill Development- When any interview will be scheduled, the HR person or business owner will inform about this activity predominantly by taking sufficient time so that the respective employee will be rest assured that Skill Development will give him or her something unique. This will surely be a motivation for the employees while joining.
2. Include Skill Development in Appraisal process and define it as one of the KRAs- Appraisal for any small organization is always very critical but if organizations will add this as a separate element of KRA, it will help organizations in retaining their employees and making them sustainable. It will increase employees' consciousness while working and casual approach will be vanished over a period of time in small organizations.
3. Schedule 1 or 2 hours depending upon the severity of main stream organizational commitments for Skill Development grooming of stakeholders and business owner himself/herself- Continuous grooming by way of effective time management and seeing to it that Skill development occurs smoothly will prove to be a stepping stone for all small organizations to increase productivity and revenue. This should play an integral role for them and they should plan this training cost every year while defining budget.
4. Incorporating value of commitment and discipline as core values for the growth of the organization continuously-Commitment and Discipline are the two key values of industry or every stream where if these will not be shown/portrayed/exhibited then everything else will be in vein. Many times, organizations incorporate these values but do not follow them and mainly stakeholders do not follow them as these values remain on the page and ultimately the impact reaches to everyone working in the organization adversely. So if Commitment and Discipline will be embedded constantly and if it will be made as a habit then overall scenario will surely flare up. Otherwise we all know how start up ventures have been established by many but thousands of ventures have been collapsed because of lack of having skill development approach!
5. Self Review as a process and customizing Skill part in their main system or process- While defining SOPs organizations generally do not focus on self review processes or even Skill Development does not get included in the system as one of the major motives. Due to this, subtle way of handling every activity and even quality as a major emphasis will not be justified. Hence to remain in the competition, small organizations would require to make this as a part of process/system.

In the above aspects, the moral of the organization will be kept active by business owner by involving himself/herself in the process of SKILL DEVELOPMENT!

So all star professionals, come on...gear up, cheer up and take a grip in imbibing this SKILL DEVELOPMENT Approach like a habit in your organization! Coming years and global outlook will surely be challenging....will take their own toll if Skill Development approach will not be cultivated. We need the human being but we do not want workaholic in organizations who will just nod the head to work in the most common ways which we have already adopted as a conventional working style.
Skill development approach will surely carve out innovative look out in the mind of every stakeholder working in a  small organization. Generally it has become a organic process to look at small companies as stepping stones but one should think like how can this small will be made bigger in coming days and only skill development approach will help every organization to grab the opportunity to become bigger.
AND mind well, is it the responsibility of every organization to spread the word about skill development or is it the vital & moral duty of every person to determine to develop skills in himself/herself?

Think about it....! Global revolution then is not far off, Right????

Skillful Salute to all,

Amit Deokule
Life Balance Coach/Master Spirit Life Coach
Global member of CCA, Canada
Executive Leadership Coach
Member of Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholders Centered Coaching
M.Com/Musician(Singer,Tabla Player,Composer and Poet)

Saturday, 4 May 2019

To define ideal life.....five aspects to determine the path towards ideal!!!! Can it be the same way?

Hi All living beings,

When I am writing on this, please don't be under impression that I am living ideal life! I am also learning a lot from life! But Greetings from SOULOMKAR! I thought to write on this because some way or other it will give all of us the ideal path towards a happy and satisfied life!

Hence I thought of writing on this. I do not want to enumerate few philosophical facts but I want to mention few practical aspects to live ideal life! Is it necessary? What output would it give? Why is there a need to define ideals? IDEAL- Ignition, "Dare to say I live", Evaluation, Aim, Learning!

Ignition- What are inspiring elements to live life diligently as per our life process and background?
Dare to Say I live- How one can overcome all the barriers and rise above all odds to say "I Live!"
Evaluation- How one can verify his or her process at every step which can give him or her right perspective to develop along with right elements of abilities
Aim- What should be the right AIM in life by defining  our own situation/cultural values/potentials/priorities?
Learning- Can we  Cultivate an approach to decide our path of learning where continuity will have more importance rather than experience?

All the above elements are important to define ideal life to live and lead!

How intact our values of living are?
How confident are we to live life irrespective of barriers/calamities?
How energetic are we to change our perspective towards living at time when needed?
How rapidly can we find out our potentials, purpose, goal/aims to live proudly?
How diligently can we measure our success ration based upon which aspects?
How can we develop right relations with right people personally and professionally?
How can we look at Kaliyuga irrespective of many crucial challenges that we have?
How honest/transparent can we remain to live and lead life as per our right choice?
How satisfied and happy are we every day with whatever we are doing and executing?
How can we look at IDEALs in life when time comes and how can we transmit the same to others with rational approach?

I think the above questions will help all of us a lot I find WHO AM I? FOR WHAT PURPOSE AM I LIVING?

Salute to everyone's life! Hope this will be insightful, is it? Let me know please!

Amit Deokule
Life Balance Coach
Master Spirit Life Coach
Executive Leadership Coach
Member of CCA, Canada and MGSCC

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Your thoughts make your life? Five aspects to enrich your thoughts!

Hi Everyone,


We are meeting after a long time through my blog/platform....!

"I am happy to connect with you after a long time!" This sentence has energized me a lot because it was a thought and I did extend it by expressing because it has positive energy, right? Likewise how many times our thoughts really make our It is a question because actually our ideal and rational thought process lies in small moments which we must make them stronger day by day!

Our values...the place we are born...the company in which we spend our time...cultivate our thought process and education is an effective tool to support the courage to confront the outside world! However everything depends upon mindful thoughts and its situational execution!

Five aspects to enrich your thoughts-

1. Take everyday as it comes but with full positive force!
2. Associate yourself with empathetic approach!
3. Learn emotional intelligence while sharing with anyone!
4. Introspection is the key!
5. Always have futuristic view without comparing own life with anyone!

Take everyday as it comes but with full positive force! -
Everyday is new life and we all know that but do we consider the same way?; is a question.....
We dislike many thoughts everyday and it is a common perspective but then the question is; is our thought process common or uncommon where under the category of uncommon we must have out of the box approach to look at everyday! Past always pesters us but pestering is always looked upon as if it is a sinful act! We all know law of detachment but it is crucial to implement and that is why positive force is essential while considering everyday!
I always question how Lord Rama considered the day when he was banished from the kingdom! How Lord Arjuna took time to understand simple theory of doing real duty! Steve Jobs summoned up courage to go though adversity but considered everyday very passionately. How Vijay Mallya takes the day as it comes! :-)

Associate yourself with empathetic approach -
Empathy is the most precious ability of every person and it is difficult process to achieve and it is considered so by many! But it is an easy process if we increase our understanding to know people and their issues! Enriching thoughts can be possible through empathy because it puts to test our real mindfulness sometimes...since mind is the most unstable element of every being! The best example is of our prime minister Narendra ji Modi who has cultivated an empathetic approach due to which he could could implement lot of measures of the country diligently which were within the purview of social laws to protect the country! Also Shivaji Maharaj was also one of the best leaders to show his heroic deeds empathetically! Five Pandavas were also one of the best examples about empathy and may be even Ratan Tata, an ideal entrepreneur or Mr and Mrs. Narayanamurthy of Infosys!

Learn emotional intelligence while sharing with anyone! -
Emotional Intelligence is another challenging phenomena in current times to deal with because of the stress which is mounted everywhere due to high competition...high comparison....and many such factors! It is really spoiling our thought process but alike Lord Shrikrishna or even Saint Tukaram Maharaj who had transformed their thought process via route of emotional intelligence! So orienting ourselves to learn emotional intelligence is important where understanding the situation, person, subject and likewise focusing on making the present more assertive is a skill of enriching thoughts!

Introspection is the key! - 
Introspection is nothing but mulling over some issues which have to be converted into rational decisiveness by analyzing, examining, re-verifying, correcting thoughts of the mind! We always lack in introspection and hence the ability to assess the situation always falls weak and hence it is vital to introspect at every step. Kauravas from Mahabharata never introspected and hence the defeat was usual for them. Ravana from Ramayana was so confident  about his conviction that even after meditating a lot his behavior never changed and it resulted into a big loss to lose the life!

Always have futuristic view without comparing own life with anyone! - 
We tend to compare ourselves with many aspects everyday and that has a wrong impact on any process in general! Focusing on what has occurred and changing it will not suffice to live ideal life process but changing the future from the past mistakes can definitely work! Because of this our present state always gets enlightened! Lord Shrikrishna had a foresight and because of which his thought process was enriching. Chalie Chaplin was a comic actor but his vision about humanity was so strong it seems ( by some references) that he set an example in front of the world! Few of his quotes are really inspiring!
Future prospects have to be increased now and it is an integral part because of the wrong culture which is getting developed/established!

What is Love and Logic and i.e. nothing but the process of thought at every step as per the situation. And hence conditional or unconditional if someone can understand the value of thoughts then life will be more dynamic!

So friends, are you finding yourself stuck in love and logic....? Actually it is good! So be great and be kind by thoughts because it is the way towards pure execution as a life process to live to the extent possible!

Blissful Joy,

Amit Deokule
Life Balance Coach
Master Spirit Life Coach
Executive Leadership Coach
Affiliated member of CCA, Canada and MGSCC Professional Musician