Dear All,
Now a days, it is a time to think about what is our comfort zone when we think about LIFE analytically? The present generation is too sharp where there is a possibility that one can ask "Am I too Sharp to live my life in a comfort zone??!!!" Lot of exclamations and questionnaires of mind can be created if one has to foresee the comfortable zones of his or her life process!!!
Posterity is going to raise many questions in days to come...since the thinking level has risen to the level where even sometimes..some philosophers will wonder why couldn't we get such sharpening creative vision before???!!!
Spiritual aspect can be nurtured but when somebody observes some out of the box thinking invariably...he or she wonders that "Am I looking too older being spiritual??!!"
We must keep the learning approach now a days where this present generation has a lot to teach us where one has to think rapidly and with a sharpening outlook...Of course...previous generation is not too bad to ignore or skip!!
When we think about Life and its must take in stride that Life will have several obstructions which will depress him or her but still the purpose should be to keep Goals or Dreams with a short term or long term plan where one can pave the way towards maximization of comfort zone for his or her life to some extent...Why some extent???
If We consider life as a process for several births then the above thought makes sense but if we consider that it is just a matter of one life by assuming practicality approach or the impersonation of an atheist...then comfort zone is a tremendous challenge as every coin has two sides and balancing these sides become a problem when we try to see ourselves in the comfort zone by overcoming all adversities...!
Cultured thought process, proper educative tools, up bringing, nourishment, nurturing, cultivating, moulding...all these terminologies make sense to extend when somebody wants to find his or her own comfort zone as per his or her comfortable choices...!!!
The word "Comfort" itself is sharper than thinking or writing about the same when execution comes in the picture...!!! I should start thinking about the "day of that divine entity called as GOD" which is more superior thought not to keep aside but by keeping aside ego, arrogance, over confidence and such similar vices to imbibe virtues with mirroring effect and it ill give us conditioned attitudinal way of thinking about how this human life can me made more comfortable.
We are not wild animals..we are not artificially made or oriented form of the nature where the ambition to study its mechanism is not very crucial, so by challenging our own intellectual and emotional quotient one should start formalizing the process of sharpening his or her Comfort levels of Life by having some united form of innovations, revolutions, evolution for evaluational therapies...!
I am too sharp to write on this and I am proud of my audacity to choose such a subject which is far too impossible to have perfect solution for the comfortable life... :).
Enjoy the journey even if this subject does not feel appealing or attractive!!!
Cheers and wishes to you for your comfortable life process!!!
I have started defining my own comfort but seeking help of my four years old daughter!!! :)
Now a days, it is a time to think about what is our comfort zone when we think about LIFE analytically? The present generation is too sharp where there is a possibility that one can ask "Am I too Sharp to live my life in a comfort zone??!!!" Lot of exclamations and questionnaires of mind can be created if one has to foresee the comfortable zones of his or her life process!!!
Posterity is going to raise many questions in days to come...since the thinking level has risen to the level where even sometimes..some philosophers will wonder why couldn't we get such sharpening creative vision before???!!!
Spiritual aspect can be nurtured but when somebody observes some out of the box thinking invariably...he or she wonders that "Am I looking too older being spiritual??!!"
We must keep the learning approach now a days where this present generation has a lot to teach us where one has to think rapidly and with a sharpening outlook...Of course...previous generation is not too bad to ignore or skip!!
When we think about Life and its must take in stride that Life will have several obstructions which will depress him or her but still the purpose should be to keep Goals or Dreams with a short term or long term plan where one can pave the way towards maximization of comfort zone for his or her life to some extent...Why some extent???
If We consider life as a process for several births then the above thought makes sense but if we consider that it is just a matter of one life by assuming practicality approach or the impersonation of an atheist...then comfort zone is a tremendous challenge as every coin has two sides and balancing these sides become a problem when we try to see ourselves in the comfort zone by overcoming all adversities...!
Cultured thought process, proper educative tools, up bringing, nourishment, nurturing, cultivating, moulding...all these terminologies make sense to extend when somebody wants to find his or her own comfort zone as per his or her comfortable choices...!!!
The word "Comfort" itself is sharper than thinking or writing about the same when execution comes in the picture...!!! I should start thinking about the "day of that divine entity called as GOD" which is more superior thought not to keep aside but by keeping aside ego, arrogance, over confidence and such similar vices to imbibe virtues with mirroring effect and it ill give us conditioned attitudinal way of thinking about how this human life can me made more comfortable.
We are not wild animals..we are not artificially made or oriented form of the nature where the ambition to study its mechanism is not very crucial, so by challenging our own intellectual and emotional quotient one should start formalizing the process of sharpening his or her Comfort levels of Life by having some united form of innovations, revolutions, evolution for evaluational therapies...!
I am too sharp to write on this and I am proud of my audacity to choose such a subject which is far too impossible to have perfect solution for the comfortable life... :).
Enjoy the journey even if this subject does not feel appealing or attractive!!!
Cheers and wishes to you for your comfortable life process!!!
I have started defining my own comfort but seeking help of my four years old daughter!!! :)